CICJ Books

As Goes Ohio: Election Theft Since 2004

As Goes Ohio: Election Theft Since 2004

As Goes Ohio: Election Theft Since 2004 (Paperback) by Bob Fitrakis , Harvey Wasserman & Jonathon Harris   As Goes Ohio, so goes our...
Corporate Vote Theft & the Future of American Democracy

Corporate Vote Theft & the Future of American Democracy

Corporate Vote Theft & the Future of American Democracy Revised and Expanded to include the 2012 Presidential Election By Bob Fitrakis, Harvey...
Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election?

Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election?

Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? Ohio's Essential Documents by Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman and Steve Rosenfeld (767...
Fitrakis Files: The Brothers Voinovich and the Ohiogate Scandal

Fitrakis Files: The Brothers Voinovich and the Ohiogate Scandal

The Fitrakis Files: The Brothers Voinovich and the Ohiogate Scandal by Bob Fitrakis   "Fitrakis holds everyone's feet to the fire...
George W. Bush vs The SuperPower of Peace

George W. Bush vs The SuperPower of Peace

George W. Bush vs The SuperPower of Peace by Bob Fitrakis   How a failed Texas oilman hijacked American democracy and terrorized the world....
How the GOP stole America's 2004 election and is rigging 2008

How the GOP stole America's 2004 election and is rigging 2008

How the GOP stole America's 2004 election and is rigging 2008 by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman The "Woodward & Bernstein of the 2004...
Imprison George W. Bush

Imprison George W. Bush

Imprison George W. Bush: Commentary on Why the President Must Be Indicted by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman   If you're mad about the...
The Fitrakis Files by Bob Fitrakis

The Fitrakis Files by Bob Fitrakis

The Fitrakis Files: Star Wars, Weather Mods & Full Spectrum Dominance by Bob Fitrakis   In this collection of columns and investigative...
The Fitrakis Files: A Schoolhouse Divided by Bob Fitrakis

The Fitrakis Files: A Schoolhouse Divided by Bob Fitrakis

The Fitrakis Files: A Schoolhouse Divided by Bob Fitrakis   Ohio's most feared journalist is going back to school! In his third volume of...
The Fitrakis Files: Cops, Cover-Ups & Corruption by Bob Fitrakis

The Fitrakis Files: Cops, Cover-Ups & Corruption by Bob Fitrakis

The Fitrakis Files: Cops, Cover-Ups & Corruption by Bob Fitrakis In this sixth volume of "The Fitrakis Files," columnist and...

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