Lucky Conversations by Morris Wolff

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Lucky Conversations

Visits With the Most Prominent People of the 20th Century

by Morris Wolff

With Karen Weber

Author Morris Wolff was an agent of change. He established the first international AIESEC Secretariat in Geneva in 1960 with exchanges in 33 member nations. Morris worked closely in 1963 in the Oval Office with President John F. Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy in writing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and getting it passed in the U.S. Senate with John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky. 

Morris Wolff remains a man of wisdom and purpose, courage, integrity, and stamina and he gets things done. Morris is a man constantly on the move whose incredible life story of perseverance and a positive mental attitude you will enjoy. He is a forward person who loves to reach out and meet new people and hold meaningful and enjoyable conversations. His ingenuity led to his impromptu meeting in Ghana, with President Kwame Nkrumah and Patrice Lumumba of the Congo in 1960. He met with Nelson Mandela in prison in South Africa in 1993. He later helped negotiate the peaceful transition of power from Prime Minister Willem de Klerk to President Nelson Mandela without a single drop of bloodshed or violence. Morris Wolff loves peace and still believes it can be achieved. 

Morris’ unique lucky conversations unrolled during the past 75 years with world leaders, political activists, famous poets, and great actors. You are right there, “walking in the corridors of history” with the author. Some events happen by chance, others are carefully planned, and some occur as if by a miracle or pure serendipity. 

What are you waiting for? With a warm and human touch in each anecdotal chapter, Morris delivers a unique set of captivating stories. Reticence is not part of his nature. As you will learn in the Nkrumah-Lumumba “chance meeting” chapter and many others, he goes out and makes opportunities happen. He teaches you how to overcome your own shyness and how to put a hand and a warm smile forward to say hello, and by doing so, begin your own pleasant journey of meeting famous people for yourself. A bit of courage and charisma, and choosing the right time and the right place are essential parts of this life-changing experience. 

Create and enjoy your own lucky conversations, and write to Morris and tell him about them! 


ISBN: 978-1-62249-598-6

Pages: 333


This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 09 June, 2021.

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