Triple Gratitude with Assorted Monsters

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Triple Gratitude with Assorted Monsters

By Phillip Martin

many of us find ourselves in a less than wonderful working environment. Assorted monsters, who tend to somehow find management positions, give their employees little reason for gratitude. I, too, have worked at one of these places. I’m so pleased to say that it is ancient history. And, I walked away with something I’m really thankful for – Triple Gratitude.

I’m sure if I read the right books, I would have discovered this concept written in somebody’s do-it-yourself-help book. Surely, some counselor somewhere came up with the idea before me. But, I didn’t read about it. I came up with Triple Gratitude all on my own

It's very simple. No matter how much life (and monsters) throw at you during the day, there is always something to be thankful for. So, every night before I go to sleep, I try to think of the three best things that happened to me during the day. Some days, it’s a challenge to come up with three reasons for gratitude. But, thankfully, on most days, I can’t stop at three.

I’ve done this for years. Yes, I have my share of troubles and trials. Everyone does. But, when I count them, I have some of the most unusual and wonderful blessings as well.

It appears that not many other people practice Triple Gratitude. I’ve never actually met anyone else who does this. One of my friends was so impressed with the idea that she said, “You just have to write a children’s book about this!”

Yes, even kiddos face their share of monsters and need to focus on their gratitude. But, this book packs in a lot of good talking points including manners, bullying, study habits, peer pressure and love. If you read Triple Gratitude with Assorted Monsters, it may be one of the three things you are thankful for that day.

ISBN: 978-1-62249-561-0

Pages: 32, Illustrated

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 09 November, 2020.

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