Bridge Of Love by Richard Wolf

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Bridge Of Love

by Richard Wolf

Human Nature is such that each individual wants to feel their life counts for something and they have something to contribute to society for the betterment of mankind. Often, however, they don1 know how to do that; for whatever reason, they often find themselves overwhelmed by seemingly hopeless conditions. They want their life to be different, but they don't have a clear plan to change in order to start making a difference. They are faced with so many obstacles that they don't know where or how to begin. The Bridge of Love Program offered a clear, progressive path to allow every person the opportunity, with help, to change their life and offer something positive to society. That's why I decided to write this book. This is a program that works. 

I see stories from all over the nation on how cities are overwhelmed with homeless people and the problems caused by homelessness. We did more than just get homeless people off the streets. We enabled them to tum their lives around so they could be productive members of society. We had a clear plan to help them restart their lives. Here is our story of how we started the Bridge of Love Program and how we turned lives around.

Pages: 78

ISBN: 978-1-62249-637-2

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 13 June, 2022.

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