The Dare to be a Millionaire Quote Book by Robert Lawson

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The Dare to be a Millionaire Quote Book

by Robert Lawson

When I first started working on this project and compiling these quotes, my intent was to put all of them in a box so that people could pull one out and think about it seriously for that one day. I felt as though I was giving people an awesome box of seeds that they could pull out and pour into their minds on a daily basis. I could feel the power this concept had and how lives would be changed by it for each person who took the quotes seriously and planted them in his or her mind. 

However, as I continued to work on this project, the project started to work on me and it literally took on a life of its own. The quotes seemed so powerful and so revealing to me that they had no desire to be put in a box. I felt as though the quotes were speaking to me and telling me that I was virtually trying to do to them what some individuals in life try to do to others. There are some people in life who desperately try to limit the potential of others. I was getting the message loud and clear. The quotes in essence were telling me that they didn't want to be in a box. They wanted to be in a book, a book which people could open. Instead of picking a quote out of a box one day of the year or looking at one on a calendar, the owner of the book would use his or her own discretion by perusing as many quotes as he or she wanted at leisure. Dr. Robert Lawson

Pages: 94

ISBN: 978-162249-072-1

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 27 March, 2020.

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